Teacher: Greg Veayo Room: #21 [email protected]
SCI.LS.68.04.LT.01 - I understand the role of nature vs. nurture in the development of an organism.
SCI.LS.68.04.LT.02 - I understand patterns of inheritance in determining genotype and phenotype.
SCI.LS.68.04.LT.03 - I understand the causes and effects of genetic and chromosomal mutations.
SCI.PS.68.01.CS - Understands the organization, properties, and arrangement of matter
SCI.PS.68.01.LT.01 - Students will understand ways the Periodic Table is organized.
SCI.PS.68.01.LT.02 - Students will understand that atoms are arranged in different ways.
SCI.PS.68.01.LT.03 - Students will understand physical and chemical changes of matter.
SCI.PS.68.02.CS - Understands the essential ideas of motion- Newton's laws, momentum and energy. Describe these ideas in multiple ways to predict the motion and behavior of objects
SCI.PS.68.02.LT.01 - I can clearly describe and predict the direction and speed and acceleration of objects in multiple ways.
SCI.PS.68.02.LT.02 - I can clearly describe and predict how forces affect the motion and behavior of objects in systems.
SCI.PS.68.02.LT.03 - I can clearly describe and predict how momentum and energy can affect the motion and behavior of objects and systems.
SCI.PS.68.03.CS - Understands the essential ideas of simple machines, work, energy and power by investigating the transfer and transformation of energy between objects and in systems
SCI.PS.68.03.LT.01 - I can clearly describe simple machines and how they're used.
SCI.PS.68.03.LT.02 - I can identify the transfer and transformation of energy in everyday systems.
SCI.PS.68.04.CS - Investigates the properties of heat and temperature
SCI.PS.68.04.LT.01 - I can describe how heat is transferred using conduction, convection and radiation.
SCI.PS.68.05.CS - Describes the differences between series and parallel circuits
SCI.PS.68.05.LT.01 - I can build a series and parallel circuit describing the parts of each
SCI.PS.68.05.LT.02 - I understand the nature and tradeoff of electrical power generation.
- A grade of 0% means the student never passed in the assignment within a reasonable time.
- A grade of 50% is the lowest possible grade for a completed assignment.
- There are four types of assignments:
- Exams
- Projects
- Extensions
- Labs
- Each Category is worth 25% of the overall Science Grade.
- Performance Standards can be from any category, but usually evolve from Projects or Exams.
SCI.LS.68.04.LT.01 - I understand the role of nature vs. nurture in the development of an organism.
SCI.LS.68.04.LT.02 - I understand patterns of inheritance in determining genotype and phenotype.
SCI.LS.68.04.LT.03 - I understand the causes and effects of genetic and chromosomal mutations.
SCI.PS.68.01.CS - Understands the organization, properties, and arrangement of matter
SCI.PS.68.01.LT.01 - Students will understand ways the Periodic Table is organized.
SCI.PS.68.01.LT.02 - Students will understand that atoms are arranged in different ways.
SCI.PS.68.01.LT.03 - Students will understand physical and chemical changes of matter.
SCI.PS.68.02.CS - Understands the essential ideas of motion- Newton's laws, momentum and energy. Describe these ideas in multiple ways to predict the motion and behavior of objects
SCI.PS.68.02.LT.01 - I can clearly describe and predict the direction and speed and acceleration of objects in multiple ways.
SCI.PS.68.02.LT.02 - I can clearly describe and predict how forces affect the motion and behavior of objects in systems.
SCI.PS.68.02.LT.03 - I can clearly describe and predict how momentum and energy can affect the motion and behavior of objects and systems.
SCI.PS.68.03.CS - Understands the essential ideas of simple machines, work, energy and power by investigating the transfer and transformation of energy between objects and in systems
SCI.PS.68.03.LT.01 - I can clearly describe simple machines and how they're used.
SCI.PS.68.03.LT.02 - I can identify the transfer and transformation of energy in everyday systems.
SCI.PS.68.04.CS - Investigates the properties of heat and temperature
SCI.PS.68.04.LT.01 - I can describe how heat is transferred using conduction, convection and radiation.
SCI.PS.68.05.CS - Describes the differences between series and parallel circuits
SCI.PS.68.05.LT.01 - I can build a series and parallel circuit describing the parts of each
SCI.PS.68.05.LT.02 - I understand the nature and tradeoff of electrical power generation.